I want to welcome everyone to the TAPE Fitness website! Here you will read about all the updates that are happening in my life as well as the progress of the business.

My goal will be to update as much as possible, so that our followers are staying tuned-in with us. If you are a member of the TAPE Fitness World then you are on the e-mail list to receive 2 weekly “Healthy Recipes”, a motivational quote here and there, as well as a few fitness tips/workouts that you may test out or take with you while you travel. One thing to remember about the TAPE Fitness Training style is “Functional Training” comes before weight training and that “Strength precedes Size!”

Many of you have asked me numerous of questions about fitness and healthy eating habits. I am not a nutritionist; therefore, I can only give you recommendations on how to eat properly/healthy. My significant other can definitely help you out with Nutrition though. 🙂 Please inquire, if you are interested!

I created this blog so I could answer the questions, many of you have, for others to read the response so they won’t ask the same question.

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